3 way ceiling speakers are speakers with three drivers in one same speaker: LF (low frequency), MF (medium frequency) and HF (high frequency). The three frequencies work together in the same sound channel. These units are typically more expensive than the 2 way units. However, you need to pay attention to the quality of the materials used in the making of the equipment. The fact is that a high-quality 2-way unit can be better than a low-quality 3-way unit. So, it's best not to purchase a speaker merely because it has a 3-way driver. You need to shop around first.
What can help you choose a quality 3 way speaker? The most helpful information can be obtained by reading the reviews and comparing the ratings that other customers give to various models. The reviews and ratings can be found at large online websites, such as eBay, Amazon, Best Buy, and others. You can also find them at dedicated audio forums. The most important aspect is to find an unbiased review, and not a sales pitch.
Just like any other ceiling speakers, the 3-way units come in different colors and designs. Their shape can be rounded, oval, or rectangular. Their color can be white or black. Some of the units are waterproof, and can be mounted in bathrooms and around pools. They can be between 4 to 10 inches in size. The most popular size is 8 inches.
If chosen right, a 3 way ceiling speakers can turn your room into a "real theater". The more expensive and renowned brands to consider include: Yamaha, BIC, Boston, JBL, Infinity, and Sonance. The best affordable brand is PYLE.